
Monday, March 21, 2016

7 Days of Eggs

7 Days of Eggs

Tired of making scrambled eggs or fired eggs and want to think outside the box for some creative and healthy ideas, then check out how I ate eggs on 7 days last week.

I had decided to participate in an Instagram (Follow me on Instagram) promotion for Eggsland's Best. I didn't get paid or anything, I might win a prize but I don't even know what they might be.I didn't do it for the prize, although winning one would be nice. I liked the challenge of coming up with different ways to eat my eggs every day and present them on a plate so that they looked nice on Instagram. I do love eggs and typically do eat them 2-3 times a week.

"Green Eggs and Ham"

A Different Ham & Egg Cup Recipe (the one pictured is on the Instagram post)

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