Thursday, November 11, 2010

#165 Baby Food Muffins

I came to the realization today that even though my son is a good eater, he doesn't like much for vegetables and you can't rationalize with a 1 year old that they need to eat their vegetables. Luckily, he eats pretty much any fruit. So, I need to branch out & try new things and sneak vegetables into things. There are a few things he will eat, like carrots or sauteed zucchini or yellow squash. When he was smaller we stopped with pureed foods pretty early because he was a good masher of table food and refused to eat any more pureed food. But now when I think back, it might of just been the vegetables he was refusing. I think he still ate the fruits fine.

So, I still have some jars of baby food left (well, pretty much just sweet potatoes and carrots and a little peas is all he ate). So, I decided to come up with a recipe to use up some of these pureed veggies & get him to eat more veggies. And the boy loves muffins & scones, so hopefully these will taste ok. They are in the oven right now, but I wanted to get the recipe typed up as I made it so that I wouldn't forget it in case they turned out pretty good. So, stay tuned for a finished picture and a review on how I thought they tasted and what my kids thought.

Baby Food Muffins
2 C white whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 C milk
2 4oz. jars of pureed sweet potatoes
1 egg
2 T maple syrup
1 4.5 oz jar of carrot chunks, drained

Mix all ingredients (except carrots) together with blender. Fold in carrot chunks. Fill 10-12 muffin cups. Bake at 375 degrees for 18-20 min.

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