Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Try It Tuesday: May Day Baskets

They actually our May Day basket from last year, but we make a similar basket every year. It is just a piece of 8.5x11" construction paper made in to a cone shape (no cutting involved) and secured with a staple in the back and a piece of tape at the bottom and then a braided yarn handle stapled to the sides. We write "Happy May Day" on the  basket decorate it with spring stickers. We filled out with some popcorn (in snack size baggies), lollipops, fruit snacks and a crepe paper flower.

My kids have so much fun running up to the doors and hanging them and knocking and running away. They love to see if they can get away without being caught. Last year we were caught at only 1 of 5 houses.


The Yogi Vegetarian said...

We don't do this (yet) in the UK, but what a nice idea :)

Savannah said...

I have never heard of this before! I wish someone would leave a May Day basket at my house :)

Stacey @ miscfinds4u.com said...

What a cute idea! Perfect for neighbors whose children live far away.

Unknown said...

These are super cute and easy for the smaller kiddos. I may have to let my daughter do this - I think she'd really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

That is such a cute idea. I would love to get one of those from my daughter.

Michelle F.

Mom Knows Best said...

such cute baskets. I need to make some for people I know.

Unknown said...

I'm a bit lazy these days so I would prob buy a basket but this is a cute idea.

Hoda Katebi said...

Ahhh ohh my gosh this is such a cute and adorable idea! Haha making a classic childhood pastime (ding-dong-ditching) into a way to spread happiness! I love this! xx

<(') Hoda || JooJoo Azad ~ Free Bird

las930 said...

Awesome idea!

Terri Grothe said...

I love May baskets, I got my first one last year and already looking forward to this year

Terri Grothe said...

I love May baskets, I got my first one last year and already looking forward to this year

Unknown said...

I haven't heard of "May day baskets" before today lol I think it's really cute that you get the kiddos involved!

Lexie Lane said...

This is such a nice idea! Great surprise fun!

Unknown said...

So fun and such a cute way to spread kindness! I love it!

Debbie Jean said...

What a neat idea! Thanks for sharing :)

Unknown said...

Isn't this a Trick or Treat Basket for May ? he he. This is my first time hear about May Day and I dont think we do this here.

Julie said...

Keeping this in mind for next year!

Mommy Pehpot said...

Nice idea! I'll make this project next year to give to my mommy friends :)