Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: James J. Hill House

My husband and I toured the James J. Hill House and would highly recommend a tour.


Unknown said...

What a neat place to visit. I love the stove shot. Brick and fire it must have gotten just a tad bit warm in there. ~ Chelle @ Oh, Just Stop Already

Emily Reviews said...

Oh neat, looks like a cool place to tour.

Jessica said...

What a gorgeous house. Where is it located?

Anonymous said...

Would a cool place. Love the display of the clothes.

Michelle F.

mystylespot said...

This looks so cool! love all the great pics! Thanks for sharing!

Sofia said...

Wow, that house is grand!! It'd make a great place to play hide and seek! lol

Lame Shrill Owl said...

The house is in St. Paul, MN. It is now owned by the Minnesota Historical Society. Hill was a big railroad tycoon.

Peachy said...

This place looks very interesting!