Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Review: Vega Sport Performance Protein #FuelYourBetter

I had the opportunity to review Vega Sport Performance Protein Powder and I wanted to share it with my readers. I was sent a box of 12 individual packets of the vanilla flavor. The instructions say to just mix it with 8 - 10 ounces of water and I have tried it that way as well as a variety of other ways. I am no stranger to protein shake mixes and have tried a variety of them and have started to learn the differences and and what I like to look for in a supplement. One of the things I really like about this protein supplement is that has 25 grams of protein in one serving and only 134 calories. If you make it according to the instruction, with water, you are getting an amazing amount of protein for a small amount of calories.

I do have a couple of things I noticed when I took the Vega Sport Performance Protein Supplement and that was that it filled me up for several hours. I was actually quite surprised that I did not feel hungry for several hours after consuming it. I tried it in the morning and did not have my morning coffee and wanted to see what my energy level was like and was surprised that I wasn't missing my morning cup of Joe. I also tried it in the afternoon when I hit my afternoon slump and wanted to see what kind of effect it had on my energy level for my evening class and bedtime. Again, I was surprised it helped perk me up and I felt good through my workout and did not have any trouble falling asleep later because there were no stimulants.

So, as you can see I was surprised and pleased with the results of the effects it had on my energy and performance level at different times of the day.

This is what it looks like when you make it in a shaker with water. You can see there is some separation on top and the protein mix with settle to the bottom rather quickly. I would drink it very quickly, because I didn't like how it separated. When it is on it's own with water it does have a gritty texture, which is why I preferred to make it in a smoothie maker with other ingredients.

I liked it best when I made it with some unsweetened almond milk and a banana. When the Vega Sport Performance Protein Supplement was blended in a smoothie this way, the texture was not as noticeable and it didn't separate like it did when it was in water.

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I received the above mentioned products for the purpose of review. No monetary compensation was received. All thoughts, opinions, and photographs belong to SGBG.


MikiHope said...

I definitely could use some extra protein and energy! Why do all smoothies have to have banana in them? I am allergic to bananas! I will check this product out more-of course the gritty taste you mention--

Unknown said...

I love Vega. I need extra protein because I'm still breastfeeding. We do get a lot of protein in our vegan diet, but it's always smart to supplement. Vega is really a blessing to have and a delicious treat to enjoy.

Savannah said...

I wouldn't mind trying this as a shake :). I think the gritty feeling would gross me out in water so I would def. have to mix it up as a shake.
I really want to try this I always feel like I'm running on empty by 2 lol

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great protein powder. I love that it keeps you full.

ReviewsSheRote said...

This is the sort of product I need to make for my self at night--that when I'm always reaching for a snack!!

Uplifting Families Parenting Advice said...

This product sounds amazing. I haven't tried making protein shakes or smoothies yet.

Lexie Lane said...

I don't like protein shakes but my brother has it all the time :) I'll have to pass this onto him and see what he thinks.