Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Try It Tuesday: Toddler Sized Poncho

Some day my son will be mad at me for having this picture of him in a pink and purple poncho, but my daughter would have been too big for it and I made it to give as a gift. The poncho pictured is how I gave it with the added pocket in the front and the purple collar, but below you can see what the poncho looks like if you just want to cut it out and do a no sew poncho.

Supplies needed - fleece and scissors and a measuring tool are all the basic supplies you need to make a no-sew poncho.

First I measured out to make a 24" square out of my fabric. I will later cut the edges, but it is easier if you cut down your fabric to square to begin with.

Using a bowl that fit on my toddler's head, I placed it in the center of my fleece and cut around it.

Here you can see how it drapes around him when left as a square, which you can certainly do. But I laid it down and rounded off the edges.

With some leftover fleece, I made a pocket for the front. Toddlers love pockets!!!! Of course, this you will have to sew on, but I wanted you to see it so you could see the measurements and how I cut it. The piece is folded here.


Anonymous said...

I want a poncho for my daughter and I think I have everything to make this already! Very cute.

Unknown said...

Super cute! I love that it is no sew! I love the fabric design and colors!

Paige said...

we live in Florida so we really do not need this...but that is very adorable and crafty!

Mom Knows Best said...

Such a cute poncho. I love that it is no sew too.

Anne Younger said...

That is cute! I might have to try this for my daughter!

Brenda- The Small Things said...

This is completely adorable! I want to make one now!

CouponGal said...

looks easy enough even for us craft-challenged people to try :D

Clancy Cash Harrison MS, RD, LDN said...

looks like fun and i love the monkey print

Debra @ A Frugal Friend said...

I love no-sew items! Great idea!

Julie said...

What a cutie! I love that this is no sew but I also love the idea of adding a pocket.

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea. I love the choice of fabric.

Michelle F.