Friday, May 23, 2014

Fitness Friday: Medford 5K & Kids Obstacle Course Race

This was from the 4th Annual Medford Community 5K Run/Walk and Kids Obstacle Course Race. I have been participating in this 5K run since it's inception and my daughter has done the kids race from the beginning as well, but this was the first time my son participated. He was very excited to do a race but I had to remind him this race was about finishing not beating everyone since he was just a preschooler and kids up to age 10 could run (and did!)

I ran it with him. I love that he wanted to hold my hand while we ran the entire way. What a sweetheart. Before long he isn't going to want to hold his mommy's hand, so I will take it while I can.

He ran the entire 1/2 mile course with multiple obstacles throughout. I think there was 6 or 7 obstacles during the race, I can't remember exactly. He had fun. My daughter was slightly ahead of us throughout the race, so we could see her progress as well. This picture you can get a good idea of how many kids participated.

Here is my daughter coming towards the finish. It was a good little training run for her when we do the 3K zombie run next weekend.

She made it! There was never any doubt, but now we have pictures to prove it!

These last 2 pictures are of my son and I as we come to the finish. Every kid got to pick out a prize when they crossed the finish line. All of the prizes were outdoor toys that encouraged physical movement. Kudos to the team putting that together and encouraging ongoing physical fitness for the kids.

Like I said earlier, this was my 4th Medford Community 5K. I ran it with my friend Carrie (who I also ran the Irish Run with) and she completed her 2nd 5K now and I am happy to have ran with her for both. She was pretty pleased that we came in under her goal time and also shaved about 4 minutes off her time from her first 5K.

My next organized race coming up is the Mankato Zombie Run, which I am doing with my daughter. We will run the race and also be zombie afterwards for other runners.


Czjai said...

Congrats to all of you! And good luck on your next run!

Myrah - Coupon Mamacita said...

That is a neat idea. Great way to show our kids to stay fit and active.

Myrah - Coupon Mamacita said...

That is a neat idea. Great way to show our kids to stay fit and active.

Unknown said...

This is super~!! Thanks for sharing you've inspire me to do the same in my community!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How cute! I bet kiddos have a blast with that!

Savannah said...

This looks like a lot of fun! I wish they would do stuff like this in my town :)

Unknown said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Congrats to all of you for your efforts.

Unknown said...

How fun! Everyone looks like they had a good time. I like that it was not about competition and that each one got to pick a prize. How cute that he wanted to hold you hand, such a precious memory.

Congrats to all the finishers!

Erin S said...

Medford-as in Medford, Or? If so, I used to love there! Fun run day!

Stacey - Seattle Mom Blog said...

I have heard of 1-mile fun run/walk for kids during a 5k, but never something with obstacles. Great idea!

Unknown said...

That is great idea.. good luck to all of you..

Mom Knows Best said...

I love when families and kids to exercise together.Looks like a lot of fun.

Keiani Worrell said...

Family is everything great job and continue to grow together!

xoxo, Anni

ReviewsSheRote said...

what a super activity and wonderful that you and your kids did it together =)

Anonymous said...

That looks like a really fun race.

Michelle F.

Rebecca Swenor said...

Sounds like great time spend together.

Rebecca Swenor said...

Sounds like great time spend together.

Julie said...

After reading about all your 5Ks, I finally signed up for one. Next weekend!