This was another fun & easy craft. I had to do the cutting, but she put on the contact paper and smoothed it all down. We gave it to daddy to put magazines in that he has in the bathroom (& get them off the floor).
We used an empty Cheerios (large box) box and some contact paper that the previous owners left in the house years ago. My daughter thought the excess pieces of the box looked like an airplane so she used the excess contact paper & cut it up and applied to her plane and then put ink stamps to decorate it. So, she was really recycling all of it.
* Gather materials (cereal box or some other box similar in size, contact paper {or you could paint the box or use used wrapping paper}, scissors, ruler & pen, if you need them.
* Draw lines to cut on box.
* Cut box as shown.
* Cut contact paper just larger than the box so that you can wrap the edges over. I cut the bottom piece separate and made that just larger than the bottom so it overlapped underneath the top layer.
* Apply contact paper. We put the bottom on first, then lined the bottom of the sides flush with the bottom of the box. The top sides there was overlap that folder over.
* It's ready to use.
***Click on picture to enlarge.***