Friday, March 28, 2014

Fitness Friday: Wild Irish Run

My second 5K run of 2014 is complete! This one was the 1st annual Wild Irish Run in Waseca, MN that was put on by the Irish American Club of Southern MN. I ran the race with my friend Carrie and this was her first 5k race! So proud of her and happy I could run it with her, now to find a 10k that we can run together and she can run her first 10k. It was a chilly run at around 28 degrees, but frankly that was really warm compared the rest of our winter. This was my first time running outside since my October Half Marathon.

My other 5K this year was a Virtual Race. My next 5K is the Gorilla Fun Run. There might be a race I do in April, but I am just waiting to see how the weather shapes up and the terrain because it is a trail run and could be very muddy, plus we might want to go to our little rustic cabin, which we went to right after I finished this run. Are you planning on any run this year?


Kathy said...

I have a marathon relay in 1 month. Running is exciting and addicting. Good luck at your upcoming races

Anonymous said...

That looks like a fun race. i hope i get fit enough to run again.

Michelle F.

Julie said...

Way to go for participating in the Irish run! I'm a part of the Irish American club - a family tradition & we were at all the festivities the rest of the day, but didn't get there early enough for the run. Glad you enjoyed it!

Unknown said...

I'm not much of a runner, but some day I would love to run at least one 5k race. Good luck with your other races.

Unknown said...

I have never joined any activities like this maybe I am not really into sports but anyways you look so pretty on that green hair.

Julie said...

Looks like that is fun. I am hoping to run my first 5K in 2 months, just started training.

Susan said...

Go you! I have just begun the tiniest bit of jogging -- we're talking under a mile. I admire you!

Mom Knows Best said...

What a fun run and i love your hair! My 14 year old and I do races and we should do a fun one like this

Mom Knows Best said...

What a fun run and i love your hair! My 14 year old and I do races and we should do a fun one like this

Mharms said...

I would love to join run events like this. Maybe when my daughter gets older.

DeDa Studios said...

Congrats! Fun race! I love the hair - so festive!

Yona Williams said...

Oh wow! That looks like such a fun race to run! Love that it involves a lot of green too. I hope that one of these days...I will be able to do some sort of run with my sweetie.

Holly @ Woman Tribune said...

Congratulations on finishing your second 5K run of the year. That is amazing and something I envy very much. I have never been a runner, but I do wish I had that kind of motivation and physical fitness.

Rachee said...

I have been hemming and hawwing about races. My daughter asked if we could do the color race and as soon as registration opens I'm on it. Congrats on getting your race done!