If you know me personally, you might be wondering why the preschool at home

still when my son is in preschool. Well, first of all he is only in it 2 mornings a week. 2nd of all, I am a SAHM so I feel it my responsibility to help him to continue learning through the day and on his days off from preschool. And thirdly, I just like to stay busy and creative. Ok, I do have a 4th reason too - I really feel we all need to take part in our children's learning even if they are in a school system. (soap box warning!) I see too often that parents except all the learning to happen within school doors and get upset with teachers or the school if they don't feel their child is learning enough or is struggling to learn something but are not trying to help their child at home or in the community. I think we should not be sitting idly by relying on others to teach our children. We are our children's first teacher and will continue to be life long teachers to them even then school staff is no longer present in their lives. Enjoy your kids and learn with them! (ok, getting off my soap box because if I don't get off now I could stay there for a while.)

So, with that said, I am sharing with you some of the ideas we did for our theme on Monsters (my son's pick):

Here is what we did:
* "M" Monster Tracing
Packing Peanuts Monster
Monster Playdough
* Dress up like a Monster with
Monster Feet
* Play with Boogs the
Boogie Wipes* Monster
* Halloween Counting Yarn Monsters
* Monster Painting
Monsters Inc Pancakes
* Read Monster Books
You could also try:
Monster Puzzle Magnets
Monster Time App
* Make
Monster Stuffies from Old Sweaters
Counting Monster Puppet
Repair a Monster Hole in a Pair of Jeans
I am a Saline Ambassador for Boogie Wipes, so I was given samples and this stuffed toy to help promote and demonstrate their products. I receive no monetary compensation for this program.
This is super cute. I love monsters! I wanted to do my son's room in a monster theme. This would look great on the walls... ;D
This is so cool.. I am actually on the look out for some easy crafts to do with my kiddos and this would just fit the bill.Thanks so much! :)
I currently have a preschooler and that I teach at home-- these are some great ideas! I think she will love the monsters theme-- if not her then her big brothers :)
Such fun ideas. I want to do a monster day with my nephews.
My kids would love a monsters theme!
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