These are pictures from last year on the 4th of July of the sunset, the campfire "Mystical" colors, and the fireworks we bought and lit.
Looking for ideas to save some money while saving a little bit of the Earth for future generations? Then let this crafty mom of two help you become a little bit greener!
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Wordless Wednesday: July 4th Colors at the Cabin
wordless wednesday
Friday, June 16, 2017
She Is..... Women in the Outdoors Weekend at Eagle Bluff
I believe I have talked about going to the She Is..... Women in the Outdoors Weekend at Eagle Bluff in Lanesboro, MN on this blog before. What maybe I haven't told you before is that this is an event that is open to any women that want to sign up and go to it. I have gone four years in a row now and plan to continue going. This weekend isn't advertised and only spread through word-of-mouth. I had found out about it from another friend who moved away before I could go with her for the first time but I went with the friend that had initially invited her and had been going since this weekend started almost 15 years ago. Over the last 4 years I have had a variety of friends who have joined us and have met a number of new people. Every year when you go there you see a lot of the same familiar faces. There is also a fall weekend, this is the spring one.
I have only ever gone to this spring event. It is held at Eagle Bluff in Lanesboro Minnesota and it is a wonderful facility.
This year I took classes and beekeeping, rock climbing, Forest Fascination which is taught by a Native American Woman who is the plant lady for their tribe and teaches all of us about how the use all kinds of plants in nature whether it be for food or medicine and how they respect and give back to the Earth. Finally comma the fourth class I took was shotgun. This one was way out of my comfort zone but I wanted to experience it and ask lots of questions because my daughter will be going there for camp this summer for their firearm safety certification camp and we'll be firing both shotguns and rifles while she is there.
We do have a variety of other add-on classes that are optional to take in the evening or an optional Saturday morning yoga which that one I did take. Even though I would much rather sleep in, it feels really good to get up on Saturday morning and stretch everything out before we begin the day.
I can't begin to fully explain to you how empowering it feels to be at these classes. They instruct them in a way that everyone feels comfortable and explain how to do everything safely and correctly even if you have done it a hundred times.
There is a variety of classes to sign up for this is what I got this year. So if you are reading this and this is something you are interested in then go to the Facebook page and request information so that you get on the email list. The date has been set for the fall weekend. I don't know that I can make it to that one as swim team short course meet season has started. And if you know me personally, let me know that you are interested and I will try to remember to send you the registration when we get it, usually the first week in February. I don't want to bother people about if they want to go or not. I know what kind of fun you are missing out on, but until you get there you don't know what you're missing. Plus it is probably the most reasonably cost women's weekend you will ever have. This year it was $195 for early registration and that includes all of my classes, all of the food, and lodging.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Where Did We Go Wednesday? Faribault Water Park
I told getting season pass oftentimes other places like outdoor water parks have season passes as well. We do not have a season pass to this water park but I do like to be able to take the kids to a few different water parks to play throughout the summer.. this one in Faribault, MN is one that offers season passes. We went to this particular Waterpark for two reasons. The first reason is that our city pool didn't open up until the next day and it was 90 degrees out and we wanted to be wet. The second reason was that when I signed my kids up for the Faribault Public Library reading program they were each given a pass to go to this water park for free period so comma I only had to pay for my admission and snacks while we were there. They had a ton of fun and as it turned out there was several other families from swim team who were there to enjoy the day. It seems like all our little fishies want to be in the water as much as possible.
I wanted to make a couple of comments on the picture that you see above there for those that know us personally they may wonder what is going on in one of the pictures. My daughter has been wanting to hug her brother more often maybe because she wants hugs or maybe because she knows he doesn't want hugs and when I asked them to stand together closely so I could get a picture she took that opportunity to hug him and he was throwing his arms up in disbelief. Also you should look at my son's funky new goggles that he has to use at the water parks this summer. They are pretty creepy when they catch the sun right. These are the ones he will use for the summer at water parks and the outdoor pool, they have different goggles that they use for swim team.
I wanted to make a couple of comments on the picture that you see above there for those that know us personally they may wonder what is going on in one of the pictures. My daughter has been wanting to hug her brother more often maybe because she wants hugs or maybe because she knows he doesn't want hugs and when I asked them to stand together closely so I could get a picture she took that opportunity to hug him and he was throwing his arms up in disbelief. Also you should look at my son's funky new goggles that he has to use at the water parks this summer. They are pretty creepy when they catch the sun right. These are the ones he will use for the summer at water parks and the outdoor pool, they have different goggles that they use for swim team.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Kids Under 16 Fish FREE in MInnesota
Did you know that kids under 16 can fish for FREE in Minnesota? They do have to follow the rules and regulations for fishing, but they do not need a fishing license. If you kid(s) are 16-17 years old, a yearly fishing license has a nominal fee of $5 (THAT'S IT!)
So, this coming Father's Day weekend - take your kids fishing. You are bound to create some lasting memories with your kids.
If you remember, I mentioned last week that you can fish for free in MN State Parks and some parks have free fishing kits to use. You just have to catch the fish!
Monday, June 12, 2017
Collect Shells on the Beach for Free Pendants
Are you taking a summer trip that will bring you to the beach? Consider looking for some shells on the beach that have a hole on the top. You can easily turn these in to pendants (or earrings if you find similar sized ones). What a wonderful momento of your trip and the shells were free to pick up. Be sure to clean and sanitize your shells before using them. Or you can use them to make some thrifty gifts for others.
Friday, June 9, 2017
My Son's Summer To Do List
My son took a different approach than what my daughter did and put some things on his list that he know we are planning to do. His list isn't as long, but when he did his list he drew a picture for each one as well and made it in to a book and each To Do Item was one page in the book. When I made it up for the blog, I decided to just make one list up. I am not sure how he decided on this hours of allotment for tablet, reading, and play time. I am thinking they are relatively arbitrary, but we'll go with them. I wonder if I should tell him how fast he will burn through his tablet time. LOL!
If you like the list idea, check out these free printables I made up 3 years ago, there are 4 to choose from.
4 Summer Goals Printables
Thursday, June 8, 2017
My Daughter's Summer To Do List
I asked both of my kids to come up with a list of things they wanted to do this summer. I didn't give them a specific number or items and I didn't give them any direction on what to write. Today I thought I would share what my daughter wrote. I found it interesting that she pretty much picked things that were not already on our calendar and definitely had her own ideas of things she also wants to do.
In the past we have used these lists I created, but now that they are older I want them to help come up with ideas.
100 Things To Do This Summer
102 Things To Do This Summer
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Where Did We Go Wednesday? Medford City Pool
It is that time of year again. School is out and the community pool is open. I am sure that many of you have community pools in your area or it might be a water park near you that is outdoors. Whatever it is I encourage you to check out season pass options. For this pool I have to take the kids 12 times throughout the entire summer to have it paid for and that is without their dad coming with us. If he is able to come with us then we get our money's worth even sooner. Each year the kids seem to get busier lives and we don't get there as often but last year we would have paid 150%of a season pass rate if we paid individually each time. I do really like the fact that I don't have to have cash on me every time we go. I know that all of the area pools and waterparks have Season Pass rates and many people get them. In the long run it will save you money and gives the kids something to do all summer and gives them the opportunity to be active and keep them off of their tablets 4 at least a little while. My kids are little fish and love to swim and are on swim team but that doesn't stop us from getting a pool membership and going here often. Going to the pool is there time to play in the water and not just swim laps.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
FREE Outdoor Music Entertainment at Bernw Wood Fired Pizza
Starting June 7th (TOMORROW!) and continuing on Wednesdays nights through August 30th you can head out to Berne, MN and take in some FREE outdoor musical entertainment from 2-3 bands per evening while enjoying wood fired pizza that is made on site there.
Remember to bring your chairs or a blanket to sit on and some beverages and side dishes. There may be limited availability of other food and beverages for purchase, beside the pizza. Definitely buy the pizza. It is delicious!

Monday, June 5, 2017
Adults Fish FREE in Minnesota June 9-11
This coming weekend is Family Fun Take a Kid Fishing Weekend and residents of Minnesota 16 and older can fish for free for 3 days, June 9-11 if they are fishing with a kid 15 and younger, who do not need a fishing licence. So, take the whole family out fishing for free sometime this weekend. You have 3 days to choose from, or go fishing all 3 days!
Friday, June 2, 2017
Bicycle Service is Now a Benefit of AAA

Do you have AAA?
Do you read the monthly magazine?
If not, you really should. It reminds members of all the perks that are included with your membership and informs us of any new service that is included. I was excited to read in the May/June 2017 issue that AAA Bicycle Assistance is not a service included. As a Plus member, I can get safe transport of myself and my bike for up to 100 miles, which is the same as what I would get if I need automobile towed.
Plus, you can get 10% off regular priced clothing, accessories and service parts at Erik's Bike Store, and 10% off any purchase of $20+ at Varsity Bike and Transit.
This is all very good info to know as we are in MN bike season!
Thursday, June 1, 2017
FREE Bike Helmet for Kids at Safe Kids Safety Safari
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 13th from 10am - 1pm for the Safe Kids Safety Safari that is presented by the Minnesota Safety Council and Auto Club Group Traffic Safety Foundation. There will be lots of fun, games and learning and each child can get a new bicycle helmet (while supplies last).
The event will take place at Como Zoo, so why not explore this awesome free zoo while you are there (donations appreciated!)
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