I had this awesome opportunity to take a Spin Class that was led by 5-time Olympian (winning 12 olympic medals) Dara Torres. This opportunity was presented to me by the Koss Corporation as a chance to try out and review their new Fitbuds and Fitclips, so please come back tomorrow and read about my review of the Fitbuds, today's post is about meeting Dara and taking the spin class.

The picture to the right show the spinning studio. All of the bikes were equipped with a plug to insert our Fitbuds in to so that we could have music and the instructor pumped right in to our ears (thus being able to use the Fitbuds.) This was something that was provide by Koss and are not normally on the bikes (so the lines in the picture are the wires that are taped down that go to each bike.)

It was a full class and a sweaty one! I was there quite early due to being prepared for the 3 spots where I-35 goes down to one lane on my 60 mile drive, but that granted me the opportunity to listen on the interview and get a bike front and center. I like to be up front as I find it motivating and I pay better attention and if I pay better attention I perform better plus I am closer to a fan. :) If you find me not in the front it either means I was running late to class or I want to chit chat with a friend not up there. But I digress......It was a great class that she planned out (she had a hand written piece of paper in front of her), she created the playlist and our course for each song. It made me use different muscles groups that I have not been using with all the running I have been doing.
I did get a chance to ask a couple questions of my own and through that she had her own question for me, "Where are you from?" She thought I had a foreign accent, which is something I have heard before but only from people not from around here. I don't have the "Fargo" accent that people associate with Minnesota, but a yooper accent from growing up in Wisconsin NE of Green Bay close to Upper Michigan (that's where the yoopers are). Not sure most people know about the yooper accent as they think I sound Canadian. So, my impression that I left on Dara is that I am a young (she didn't think I was old enough to know what a Walkman was) Canadian. LOL! Hopefully my participation in the front row of her class left a good impression.
A good leader can really make or break the class! I've only done a spinning class once--it's just not for me!
So interesting that you got to be a fly on the wall during the interview. I love opportunities like that! Overscheduling kids is a pet-topic of mine, too :)
Spinning is something that I've wanted to try... either that, or something to make my treadmill less of a dreadmill! It's so awesome that you actually got to take a class lead my an Olympic athlete.
I tried spinning and it was the hardest workout that I had ever done. I really felt it the next day. A true workout for sure.
What a fun opportunity!!! Glad you made it there with plenty of time to enjoy yourself.
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