Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Try It Tuesday: A Pumpkin Hat on the Knifty Knitter

It must be the cool weather that has me making hats in October. I made my kids hats on the Knifty Knitter loom set last October, but those ones were for Christmas presents. This Pumpkin hat was one I made him for fall because of 2 reasons: 1) it would look nice with his hunter green vest (not pictured) and 2) he was born just before Halloween and the hospital gave us a pumpkin hat to come home in on Halloween and I wanted to make him a new one now before he gets too old and pumpkin hats become not cool.

I think making hats on the Knifty Knitter 210467 Round Loom, Set of 4 is quite simple. By doing the simple e-wrap stitch you can quickly and easily make a hat. Some day I will venture in to learning other stitches. The kit mentioned above does include instructions and those the precise instructions I followed to make the hat.

To make the stem I used the Knifty Knitter 4-1/2 Inch X8-1/2 Inch Spool Loom (small side with a very thick yarn). You may remember that I used this same tool to make the strap on my daughter's handwarmer/muff.

Another picture of the hat and my cute little boy :)

Since I was making my son the hat, I wanted to make a new fall headband for my daughter. So, I asked my friend Beth from Knaebean Creations to teach me how she made the ones for us & for the giveaway I did a while back. Not sure I could make this again without help, but it was my first time crocheting something other than a long chain.


Lisa R said...

This is a nice hat. I actually thought of buying one of these knitter but wasn't sure if it really worked. Thanks for the post

sibabe64 at ptd dot net

Anonymous said...

Awesome job on those hats-- I imagine it was probably fun too. My wife would love one of the knitter--pretty nice!Thanks for the pictures