Friday, April 25, 2014

Review: My YogaWorks

Disclosure: I received a free product trial in exchange for an honest review.

Today I am going to share with you my experience taking my first My YogaWorks Online Class. I was given a 6-month membership for free in exchange for my honest review, so I am going to have plenty of time to try it out and share more thoughts with my readers.

I was very excited to get this opportunity, because like I mentioned in my earlier post today I do practice yoga by taking a class once a week and try to do another video at home. Before accepting to do this review I did spend some time looking around the website to see if it was a good fit for me and I was very pleased because there are SO MANY videos to choose from. You can choose to find a video based on time, choosing from 8 different class time lengths between 5 minutes and 90 minutes or you choose based on level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Teacher). There is no excuse that it is too hard or you don't have enough time. Make time for yourself for at least 5 minutes a day and before you know it you will be taking longer and more advanced classes.

I really like that I can do this from my home. I do like taking classes in person, but once or twice a week I do end up doing a video because the timing didn't work out for me to drive to a class, plus if I learned anything from our very cold winter in Minnesota that left us indoors often with schools and businesses being closed, is that I need to have options in my home to work out. I don't like to do the same thing every day and bore of it, that is why I am so pleased by how many options there are available.

I have mentioned how many options a couple times already, well let me just tell you have many video are available for each level (at the time of this post): Beginner - 163, Intermediate - 268, Advanced - 92, and Teachers - 135.

It's not just that you can pick a video based on time or level, but you can also narrow down your option by picking your target area, the benefit to you (detox, calming, weight loss, partner yoga, etc.) or even by teacher. You can also choose to do a series that helps you work to get in to a specific pose (i.e. handstand, firefly, etc.) or if you participate in a specific sport (i.e. running, surfing etc.) or their new 28 Day Spring Yoga Challenge, plus many more series options.

Is this starting to sound like there are too many options and you don't know where to start? I would suggest browsing around the site for a while to get a feel for it like I did, or if you want to jump right in, check out one of the Journey Series options (perhaps Yoga 101) where the classes are already laid out for you in the order they recommend them.

I was impressed with how much they talk you through proper form, which is very important and I sometimes find missing from yoga dvds that I do. I did 3 short classes (the benefit of having many times options) with different instructors in order to give my feedback and I am so thrilled with them. I have already picked out my first 30 minute class that I did by setting my search criteria to 30 minutes, Intermediate and Energizing. I had 24 options with that search criteria, but I am choosing the class called Yin and Yang.

You also have the option to stream it on your computer, tablet or phone so it is always available where ever you are. They also have a link to a tutorial if you want to connect your laptop to your TV so that you have a bigger screen.

Want to see if you like it before you subscribe? They offer a 14-DAY FREE TRIAL!!! How awesome is that!After that it is only $15 a month or unlimited streaming of classes. You can also choose to give it as a gift for 3, 6 or 12 months. Why delay? Start your FREE TRIAL today! Or as a SPECIAL DEAL FOR MY READERS!!!! Use code Blogger14 and get your first month for ONLY $5!!


Scott said...

Yoga is one thing I just cannot get into. I don't know if it is the tight pants or the weird positions, it is just awkward to me.

Julie said...

Wow! That is a fantastic price! Only $5 to try it out for the month! I can certainly swing that. Even $15 sounds good too, I have a hard time getting to the gym, but I like a variety of classes. I get bored with my dvds.

Mom of Two said...

Scott - it sounds like you could benefit from trying out the 14 day free trial and have them talk you through getting in correct positions. You don't have to wear spandex either, wear what you feel comfortable in.

Anonymous said...

I used to do Yoga at my gym several years ago and I loved it. I have to try doing it again.

Michelle F.

ReviewsSheRote said...

I think I'd like to give this a try

Debi@The Spring Mount 6 Pack said...

Oh wow. I love yoga. But it so hard to get to a class. And I get bored with dvds. I would love this.

Holly @ Woman Tribune said...

Wow, the My YogaWorks Online class looks really great! I hope you'll be able to see a huge difference in your yoga abilities and its effect on your body and health in the six months you'll be using it. How exciting!

MikiHope said...

My 91 year old Mom is still doing Yoga--me I could never seem to get the hang of it. I wonder if they have any Yoga that she can still do--(she still goes to classes)

Leelo said...

This is definitely something for me! Thank you for sharing!

Virginia said...

This is awesome! I've been looking to start doing yoga again. This might JUST be what I need! Thanks for sharing! I think I'm going to give it a try!