Sunday, April 6, 2014

New Sunday Theme - Clean Eating Weekly Menus

I have been thinking about this for quite a while now, about having a regular content post on Sunday. If you are a regular reader of mine it is probably because you come here for my content posts and some of my most popular content posts involve my Clean Eating Recipes or my lists of Ideas for Clean Eating meals for Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, and Dinner.

7 Ideas for Clean Eating Breakfast
7 Ideas for Clean Eating Snacks
7 Ideas for Clean Eating Lunch
7 Ideas for Clean Eating Dinner

I thought that each Sunday I would give you a menu of 7 Ideas for one of those categories. Some of them might not be new ideas because I don't eat new recipes every day of my life, but I thought that if I give you some ideas and you look back at the other weekly menus I will share you will be able to get some ideas for your own menu planning.

I will include a couple pictures of meals, but not for every one. If there are links to recipes, either on my blog or another one, I will share those as well.

So, what do you think of this new regular content post? Is this something you think that you would like and reference?


mystylespot said...

These sound like some wonderful meals! i have such a hard time meal planning too!

Holly @ Woman Tribune said...

This is a really great idea for a regular column. I can see a lot of people using this, and if you make pretty images for every feature, like 7 Ideas for Clean Eating Breakfast, I can definitely see it getting a lot of attention on Pinterest!

Anonymous said...

Those are some great meal ideas. I have been trying to eat as clean as possible.

Michelle F.

MikiHope said...

This is a great idea! I will certainly be back to see what you and possibly I can cook up!

Leelo said...

I really start clean eating as well. Thanks for sharing the meal plans.

ReviewsSheRote said...


Julie said...

I can't wait to see what you come up with. This will be helpful!