Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Blue Springs State Park

A GREAT opportunity to check out manatees at the Blue Springs State Park in Orange City, FL

Short video I took of the manatees while we were there. They said the count in the lagoon that day was 217!


Anonymous said...

Very cool place! I wonder, do you need to worry about gators while you're walking around?

Lame Shrill Owl said...

They told us that gators don't really live in the lagoon, which is where the state park is centered around, but they do live in the river that runs from the lagoon.

Julie said...

Oh wow! I have never seen one before. Thanks for showing the video. It was neat to see them in action.

Anonymous said...

That looks like such a fun place to go. Great video.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

What an amazing park! Love the video and that clear water.

Yona Williams said...

Sounds like a very cool place. I read up on manatees once because we had an encounter at a beach with one once. I learned they are extremely curious creatures. I'd love to visit a state park like this.

krystal said...

I've never been here, but I'd love to! It looks so serene