This was such fun review for my daughter & I. We were gifted with a month subscription to Green Kids Crafts (one LUCKY reader will also win a free month with 3 crafts) that included 3 crafts for us to complete. Our subscription included Mermaid Puppets, Wooden Dragonflies and a Weather Board. Click here to see some of the sample crafts and tell me which one you are most interested in!

The Mermaid Puppets was the first craft that my daughter wanted to check out.
The project was the perfect skill level for her. Of course, we are avid crafters so other who are not such avid crafters or are younger crafters may need additional assistance.
This particular set included everything we needed to make two mermaid puppets and all we needed was glue, a marker (to draw on a face) and scissors. The kits come with instructions that tell you any additional supplies you need, which I find very helpful. Pretty much the only assistance my daughter needed was suggesting the steps in order to her so that she could make it.
What I most enjoyed about these craft kits is that I did not need to purchase the supplies and have a lot of leftover supplies and I did not need to plan out the activity. I simply needed get out a few things we needed (like markers, clue & scissors.)
This was the second craft we made: The Wooden Dragonflies. The kit included supplies to make 2 large and 2 small dragonflies ("a whole family" as my daughter said). Included were 4 large craft sticks, 4 small craft sticks, 4 clothespins, colored sand and 8 googly eyes. The additional supplies needed for this markers or paint to decorate the dragonflies and glue.
The project actually called for the wings to be glued on, but my daughter had the idea to slide the wings in the clothespin, which would allow for her to swap wings and change up her dragonflies when she wanted.
We had also thought that we might like to add magnets to the back so that we can put them up on refrigerator.
You can find more green crafting ideas on their website.
Save 25% on a 4-month green craft kit subscription. Order a 3 month earth-friendly craft kit subscription and get one month free. That's 12 eco-friendly craft kits for only $3.75 each! Order by March 31st to receive Earth Day, Easter, May Day, Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Summer Solstice craft kits in the coming months.
Or for even more savings - Save 33% on a 9-month green craft kit subscription. Pay for 6 months and get 3 months for FREE!
a Rafflecopter giveaway I was gifted with a 1 month subscription for the purpose of reviewing their service. All opinions and thoughts expressed are my own. No monetary compensation was received for this review. All photos are my own.
Your daughter is so adorable..a great smile
the mermaid puppet!
I love doing anything that the kids love!
I think the My Weather board would be fun (Plus a great learning tool)
love the Tibetian prayer flag
the mermaids are adorable!
the train whistle!
Weather Board
I love the worry dolls.
frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com
i love the Wooden Dragonflies , they look fun and easy to make. thanks crystal allen
I saw an easter egg craft, looks like fun!
the medicine pouch looks fun
the train whistle would be fun!
I like the felt weatherboard and japanese windsocks.
aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
I like the fan craft.
My Boys would love making the Rainbow Centipede!
I like the Dragonfly Family!
Really like the Guatemalan Worry Dolls kit.
Grandson is into bugs! the dragonflies would be cool!
The mermaid puppets.
love the dragonflies!!!! they are some of my faves. hydepennym@gmail.com
Earth Mobile
The dragonflies--how cute are they!?
My dd and I would love the mermaid puppets!
I like the Tambourine Kit supplies and the flowerpot picture frames.
I love the Fishbowl!
these look so cute!!
Is this open to Canadians? If so, please email me (swak50 at hotmail dot com). Regards.
I like the easter banner kit
I really like the Wooden Dragonflies. So cute!
The mermaid puppet is wonderful
This is a cool site! My girls would like the mermaid puppets
sunniewoodyplus2 atmsn.com
So many cute ones. But I'm gonna go with felt weatherboard.
lizard puzzle
my son would love the puppets
The Fishbowl!
Rainbow Centipede
Earth Mobile
The mermaid one is my favorite! Thanks for the giveaway!
- lablogs@yahoo.com
The tambourine kit would be a huge hit with my little ones!
Love the train whistle!
mermaid puppet
The Mermaid Puppet is my favorite.
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
Medicine Pouch, Pirate Loot and Japanese Windsocks
I like the worry dolls :)
The worry doll kit would be perfect. For my daughter.
i like the train whistle
I love the weather board! I want one so bad!!!
I don't know if I can decide! Everything is soo cute! I love the dragonfly and I like the japenese wind things...
I love the weather board :)
I think the weather board looks cool :)
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