Friday, January 24, 2014

Fitness Friday: #megsmiles

I don't know Meg Menzies and I don't live in Virgina, but I don't have to. She was a fellow wife, mother, runner and person and that is all I needed to know. She was killed by a drunk driver while on her morning running on Monday morning. There was a Memorial Run this past Saturday in Virgina, but through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (and probably every other form of social media) there was a call out for everyone to put in miles for Meg whether you were a runner or walker or whatever. Here is the Facebook event with the invitation.

Photo: Facebook

It wasn't my day to run. It was actually supposed to be a rest day, with an hour of playing with my son at his preschool open gym and 45 minutes of shoveling snow mixed in, but I was going to run because I can in her memory and she't can't. I had to keep from tearing up while I ran (it's hard to breathe when you are crying) thinking about everyone she left behind. My heart breaks for her family and friends. I had a hard time not thinking about my outdoor run and how I am constantly scanning faces to make sure they are looking up at me and not distracted. My outdoor runs in my little town have to be on the road because we don't have the sidewalks and trails (maybe in a few more years the trail extending from neighboring towns will actually be built like they are talking about). I pray for Meg's soul to be at peace and that she is in a far better place and can run with out distracted and drunk drivers.

But just because Saturday has come and gone doesn't mean you can't still add your own #megsmiles because we all know if she were here still she would be logging those miles herself.


Anonymous said...

Wow what an awesome event. So sad how she passed but her memory keeps on with #megsmiles.

Michelle F.

Anonymous said...

OMGosh I don't know who she is either, but I"m so sorry to hear this. Very sad. But glad to hear of the event in her honor.

Thanks for linking up with us for Fitness Friday, I hope to see you again next week!

Unknown said...

So sad. So very sad.

Unknown said...

Very sad. I had not heard of Meg until this post.

Kathy said...

What a great event!

Rachee said...

I hadn't heard about this but what a tragedy! I will make sure to use the hashtag during my next gym visit.

Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen said...

Oh gosh, my heart sank when I read your post :( May she rest in peace.

Karen Dawkins said...

What a way to rally for the memory of a loved one. Thank you for sharing this… I long for a day when drunk driving is a thing of the past.