Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thrifty Thursday: Fix Up Hardwoor Floor Scratches

Fixing up scratches in your hardwood floor can be quick and easy and only require a trip to your pantry. Look for a darker cooking oil; I used sesame oil. Using either a rag or paper towel rub the oil in to the wood and wipe away an excess. That's it. Although, I will warn you that if you use sesame oil you might start to get hungry for some stir fry. :)

Also, make sure you take care of what is making the scratches in the first place if it is due to rubbing. Turns out that the padded feet on the bottom of our ottoman had worn away and was scratching our floor.

This is a quick and easy solution.


couponwahm said...

This is such a Great post! I would have never thought of this before. So much cheaper than bringing someone in to strip the floors. Thanks for sharing!

Denise C said...

I think I happen to have that exact oil on hand. I'm going to have to give this a try!

Lisa said...

This Is Awesome Need To Try This!!

mail4rosey said...

We did this on our table and it worked too!

Erin S said...

Wow! I needed this tip. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I never would have thought of this! What an awesome solution!

Nicole said...

NOOOO! Really? I'm loving you so hard right now. I cannot wait to try this. Thank you!

ReviewsSheRote said...

WOW super tip---I guess I need to get me some =)

Unknown said...

How neat! I had no idea about this! Thank you! I cannot wait to give it a try!

Unknown said...

We don't have hardwood floors, but I'm filing this away to remember for the future. I never would've thought of doing this!

Anonymous said...

I have sesame oil! I will be trying this.

Michelle F.