Monday, January 27, 2014

Make It Monday: Clean Eating Oat Protein Waffles

Waffles are such a comfort food, but they can easily be cleaned up and pumped up and then topped with your favorite fruits or real maple syrup. These are very filling and you will be surprised that you eat less of these than you would traditional waffles.

Clean Eating Oat Protein Waffles 

1 C oat flour
1/2 C whole wheat flour
1/2 C what germ
1 scoop vanilla protein shake mix
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
4 egg whites
1/4 C coconut oil
1 3/4 C milk (your preference)

Mix all ingredients until blended. Bake in your waffle maker per manufacturer's instructions. Makes about 10 4" square waffles. Enjoy!


Family Travels on a Budget said...

We make all kinds of waffles. Thanks for a great recipe to add to our list. With two teenage sons, protein is always welcome. :)

Anne Sweden said...

I actually got a waffle iron as a gift very recently! The only recipe I have is a whole wheat concoction and it's pretty good, but I'm trying to up my protein intake for this pregnancy to feel fuller longer, so thanks for sharing!

Suzi Satterfield said...

I LOVE waffles. I'll have to pin this recipe to come back and try later.

Unknown said...

I have seen so many recipes with coconut oil and honestly have never tried using it. thanks for the recipe

ReviewsSheRote said...

My daughter love homemade waffles--I'll have to show her this recipe

Elisebet F said...

Yummy! I don't have a waffle maker, but I'd totally use this concept for pancakes.

Liza said...

I bet it smells and tastes good. I love the smell of coconut oil!

mystylespot said...

These look delicious and being a vegetarian Im always looking for new ways to get protein in my diet! Thanks so much for sharing! Cant wait to try these out!

Anonymous said...

Those look really good. I love waffles! Will be saving this.

Michelle F.

mail4rosey said...

I'm hungry and these would totally hit the spot!

Bibiana Bailey said...

I never thought about using protein shake powder in waffle batter. I need to put some in next time :)

Kristen@CountryFitFamily said...

My friend makes protein pancakes in a similar way. I have been meaning to try it. Protein at breakfast is so important. Pinned it.

Unknown said...

I love waffles, especially for dinner! What a yummy looking recipe!

Unknown said...

They look yummy! Will have to try soon!