Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Snow Ice Cream

Every winter we hope to be able to make some Snow Ice Cream and we finally got around to that this year. 
It is simple to make and yummy! You can find my Snow Ice Cream Recipe (2013) or when we made it in here in 2012.


Unknown said...

Such cuties!!

Shary said...

Looks delicious! You're children are indeed cuties!

Megan Sutliff said...

Looks like fun to make with the kids!

Edge Of Insanity said...

I've never had snow ice cream (maybe because I live in Texas) but it sure looks yummy!

Sofia said...

Interesting. Never tried Snow Ice Cream, bet it is good!

Anonymous said...

That looks yummy. We have so much snow here I could make so many bowls.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

I never thought to make snow ice cream before, I think we'll try it!

Elisebet F said...

Looks delicious, and like a really fun kids activity! I've never tried making snow ice cream, but I think it would be fun to do.

Bibiana Bailey said...

My youngest would love this as he loves to eat fresh snow,lol. We don't have any this year so we can actually make yummy snow :)

Kathy Balman said...

Cute picts. I will totally check out the recipe. My kids would love making this.

Mommy K said...

My daughter would love this! I'll check your recipe :)

Czjai said...

Looks yummy! :)