Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Try It Tuesday: DIY Teaching Clock

This is definitely a Dollar Store craft. The foam stickers, the foam circles and the foam sheets all came from the dollar store. The brads came from an office supply store when I needed them for another project a couple years ago.

The foam circles are great for this project because the clock shape is ready made. I did cut out the clock hands and gave the kids a choice as to what color clock face and hands they wanted.

We took down a clock from the kitchen wall so the kids could see it and know exactly where they needed to put the numbers. Lots of good number practice for them. Luckily there was enough 1's in the pack for both kids to get all their numbers!

This was a project that I brought over to a playdate at a friend's house. We like to have a nice long playdate that includes lunch, a craft project for the kids and lot of playtime and talk time and maybe some loom knitting time while we talk.

My son is proud to show off his project. He has been very interested in the clock and can usually tell me the hour, he is a little young to really get minutes on an analog clock but time will pass quickly and before I know it be will be telling time.


Unknown said...

I need to make one of these! Kids really need to learn the time, and what better way than a craft to make their on clock!

Jayne Townsley said...

This is a very economical and educational craft. It's nice to have children create a "tool," so to speak, that has a purpose beyond the creating part.

Kathy @ www.Realfoodandrealfitness.com said...

What a great idea. I think my kids would really like this!

Aleya Bamdad said...

This is a great idea. It's a good craft and educational project.

Lisa said...

This Looks Like A Great Way To Learn!

ReviewsSheRote said...

Miss Molly 2 is obsessed with clocks--will have to gather the items for this craft!

Unknown said...

Saving this idea for when my son gets older. So much cheaper than one of the ready made ones and more fun too!

Anonymous said...

Very cute idea! I will be doing this when my daughter is older.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

Oh how cute! This would be a perfect after school activity for my daughter!

mystylespot said...

HOw cute is this clock! looks so fun to make too! Thanks so much for sharing! loved seeing the pics!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

I just love Dollar stores for all their craft supplies.I just love his serious face making the clock ... such a concentration,lol ;)

Elisebet F said...

That's a great way to teach time. Hands-on is always best. I look forward to doing crafts like this when I start homeschooling my son!

Anonymous said...

What a great craft... I should probably do this with my daughter.

Lexie Lane said...

My son hasn't quite gotten into liking crafts yet but this is a great idea! He always points out clocks for some reason.

tina reynolds said...

This is a cute idea will try it with my youngest two been trying to help my daughter learn