Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Ice Skating at Medford Ice Park

I feel very fortunate that our little city decided to put the ice park in again this year. There are 2 rinks, one for skating and one for ice hockey and we have a staffed warming house (during staffed hours). It is a nice addition to our community and I think it helps develop pride in our community and support community involvement, especially among families. I hope we can get there many more times this season to skate!


Unknown said...

Loving the snow...we had our first snow of winter yesterday and I think our son stayed out in it almost all day playing.

Heather said...

I used to love winter, but with sub zero temps all month long (normally in the mid-upper 20's) I think that I've had enough :)

Anne Sweden said...

They are having so much fun! I can't wait to take mine out on an icy pond for some skating.

Anne Sweden said...

They are having so much fun! I can't wait to take mine out on an icy pond for some skating.

Savannah said...

It looks like everyone had so much fun!! I live in PA so everything has been frozen for quite some time now. I wish my little guys were bigger I would love to take them skating :)!

Elisebet F said...

Love their smiles! The area I grew up in Canada always had several outdoor rinks, in addition to the big indoor ones. It was always so much fun to skate (although I never got very good at it).

Unknown said...

So cute! It's been years since I've seen snow...and certainly my kids have NOT!

mystylespot said...

How fun! seeing these pics brings back a lot of childhood memories! thanks so much for sharing!

Erica Chao said...

I miss the days of snow and ice skating! There are perks to living up north but I have become a southern gal now :)

The Binder Ladies said...

I'm so jealous that you have snow!!!! The kids look like they had a blast!

Anonymous said...

They look like they had so much fun. I wish I could ice skate.

Michelle F.

Anonymous said...

They look like they had so much fun. I wish I could ice skate.

Michelle F.

mail4rosey said...

These are great photos. :) It's so cold here, but the kids still want to get out in it and play!

Unknown said...

That's rad! I haven't ice skated since I was 15. It doesn't get that cold in Phoenix :(

Alicia Owen said...

Fun! I used to LOVE going ice-skating when I was a kid. It definitely makes for good memories. :)