Tuesday, October 30, 2012

GIVEAWAY and Review: Does This Church Make Me Look Fat?

Have you read Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen? Did you like it? I did. Does This Church Make Me Look Fat is the newest memoir by Rhoda Janzen.

Overview: Does This Church Make Me Look Fat?: A Mennonite Finds Faith, Meets Mr. Right, and Solves Her Lady Problems What does it mean to give church a try when you haven't really tried since you were twelve? At the end of her bestselling memoir Mennonite in a Little Black Dress, Rhoda Janzen had reconnected with her family and her roots, though her future felt uncertain. But when she starts dating a churchgoer, this skeptic begins a surprising journey to faith and love.
Rhoda doesn't slide back into the dignified simplicity of the Mennonite church. Instead she finds herself hanging with the Pentecostals, who really know how to get down with sparkler pom-poms. Amid the hand waving and hallelujahs Rhoda finds a faith richly practical for life—just in time for some impressive lady problems, an unexpected romance, and a quirky new family.

My Thoughts: I appreciate reading her frankness and humor about religion and a lifestyle she grew up with and how it fit in with her scholarly adult lifestyle and then how it all morphed when she meets Mitch who is a devout Pentecostal church go-er and at the same time is diagnosed with breast cancer. Dealing with a life threatening illness is stressful, starting out a new relationship induces stress (even if it is good stress), moving is very stressful (even more so when it's not in to your house & remodeling is a must) and exploring a religion with hesitation and reluctance has to also be stressful. I cannot imagine combining them all at the same time, but some how Rhoda does and she comes out a happy and more balanced person at the end of it all. 


  a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was given a copy of this book for review. No monetary compensation was received. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.


Anonymous said...

would love to read a new book!

Anonymous said...

I am hoping my wife will laugh --she really loves great books and perhaps this is one of those

Unknown said...

I read an excerpt of this book in a national women's magazine and enjoyed it!

Nichole said...

I'm always looking for a good read!

bkittie said...

I'm interested because the author grew up in a little community near the town where I grew up!
bkittie at hotmail.com

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

sounds like a fun book to read

Anonymous said...

I would like to see how she and Mitch do....

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you

Jennifer Wilson said...

I'd love to read this because I have such a varied church background.

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

would love to gift this book to my grandmother who loves to read :)

amlitrocks said...

I read her last book. It was hilarious. Would love to try this one.

Sunnie said...

I like to read all kinds of books, this one looks good
sunniewoodyplus2 atmsn.com

deborah said...

I like to read and I'm fascinated with the storyline.

Anonymous said...

Souunds like a funny book

Anonymous said...

I love the cover and am sure I would love the book! treasuretoday@aol.com

GamerMom said...

i loved the first book, so would love to read this one too

John and Kitty Miller said...

I love reading and would enjoy trying this book.

John and Kitty Miller said...

The title intrigues me!

susan quackenbush said...

I relate as I too have not been to chuch since I was 12 years old. I love these type of stories.

JP said...

It sounds like it would be a witty read!

Unknown said...

My mom became a minister after her 55th birthday. I would love to get this to add to her church library.

Janet Boyanton said...

It sounds like an interesting book.

Sue Hull said...

It sounds like a good and alittle funny book.I love to read and this should be a good one.Thank you for the giveaway! :)

Sue Hull said...

Your comments are on the RC so I'm having problems entering the last few enteries.

Jessamine Marie Ricafort Dungo said...

I love reading a good book and this seems a good one. :)

Amanda said...

I really enjoy reading memoirs.

Springflowers2 said...

This title of this book sounds intriguing and funny. Would love to read this one!

Springflowers2 said...

oops, forgot to add my address in the last post: giggle(2)much2athotmail-dot.com

Unknown said...

Looks like a funny and interesting book!

Unknown said...

Looks like a funny and interesting book!

Dawn S. said...

This sounds like a funny and quirky book, I definitely am interested in reading it!

Kristie said...

I like to hear about women and their religious journeys. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.