We let each of the boys pick whatever they wanted to for leaves & acorns as we were hiking through the woods, then we came back to our picnic table and got our the supplies I had brought (glue, a piece of paper & re-used supplies - aka googly eyes,)
Then we let them pick out what they wanted to glue on & where and decide what they were going to be. My son's is above and he made "Mommy (the big oak leaf), Henry (the smaller maple leaf), Lucy (the smaller one of our cats is the smaller leaf) and Larry (the larger of our cats is the larger leaf at the bottom.)
Notice how we also used leaves as legs and a mouth.
My son's friend made mice with his leaves and acorns.
Just wanted to share a couple more pictures of the boys frolicking at Sakatah State Park.

In MN, you can buy a state park admission pass for $25, which we had not bought in several years. So, now that we have one we are going to make sure we use it.
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