Thursday, May 1, 2014

Review: Crave Naturals Detangling Brush

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

When I found out that I had the opportunity to review this Crave Naturals Detangling Brush, I was thrilled. If you have seen pictures of my daughter on this blog before, then you understand why I was thrilled because she has a thick head of curly hair. She likes to try to comb it by herself, but she really only gets the top layer and underneaths there begins to get snarls upon snarls that my mother always called "rat's nests" under there. My daughter as the same full head of thick curls that I do and I sympathize with my daughter because I remember how much it hurt to have my mom pull and pull on my hair. I have always been very cautious about how I comb her hair, but I still end up pulling it sometimes and am declared this awful uncaring person.

I have literally bought my daughter over a half dozen different brushes trying to find one that was not as awful as the one before and we finally had settled on using this one brush I had when I was a kid that was tucked away in an old box, but the problem was that while it didn't pull like all the rest, it did comb her hair straight and her curls went away and would make her hair frizzy. She loves her curls right now and likes that she gets compliments for them, but that doesn't happen when she uses the old brush.

In comes a package from Amazon with the Crave Naturals Brush and she is so excited she begins to comb her hair. Her thoughts on this brush are very much reflected in her actions as she has not used a different brush since. I asked her about it yesterday after she had been using it for a week and she confirmed she didn't  use any other brush and this is her favorite brush. It not only takes out all the snarls and tangles with ease, but it is also gentle on her curls so they are not combed out all the way and can easily bounce back in to place. As for the other brushes, I guess her brother now has a nice collection of brushes to use on his short hair.

I did try it out on my own head of hair and combed her hair with it. No tears or complaining that I am ruining her day. Who knew combing my daughter's dry hair could actually be an enjoyable experience between us. And when I used it on my own head I was amazed at how good it felt against my scalp. Now I am going to have to get my own Crave Naturals Detangling Brush or start doing my hair in a different bathroom so that I can share this one with her. The same day we started trying it out I took a picture of it and sent it to a friend with a daughter the same age, singing it's praises. This is the brush you want to get out those tangles with no tears!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


Yona Williams said...

lol...I know that 'rat's nest' feeling all too well. This brush would be perfect for me!

Maria said...

My teen has curly hair so tangled hair is something we are always battling.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a great brush. I would love to try it on my super long hair.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

I need one of these!

Mom Knows Best said...

I need this for my thick hair that gets tangled.

MikiHope said...

Oh how I remember those day of tangles and my Mom trying to get thm out!! My hair has thinned out with age and it is not so horrendous anymore. I hope that anyone with a child with thick glorious locks gets this brush--

Czjai said...

Looks like a great brush, though I probably have not much need for that as my hair is pretty much wash and wear. :)

Buzz4Mommies said...

That is awesome! I have a little girl with a very sensitive head and this would be perfect!

Unknown said...

My 2nd son has such curly hair and I thought I'd tried every comb/brush out there. I need to check this out for him!

Julie said...

We so need this at our house too!