Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Try It Tuesday: Washer Necklace

This was a fun and easy gift that my 4 year old son made for his sister and his Godmother. We just went to hardware store and picked out some large washer since we could but single ones and bought some cording from a craft store. The paint is simply fingernail polish.

He did all the work himself. It was a simple project but did have may steps that took time. He had to paint 2 coats of fingernail polish on each side. So, he painted one coat and then we played a game while it dried, then he painted the second coat, which we let dry overnight. The next day he repeated those steps. We allowed another day because he wanted to add spots to one of them.

Then I told him how to loop the washer through the cording to hold it in place and then tie the ends together. He was very proud that he could make this gift all on his own just by following my verbal intructions.


ladyashiri said...

I like this! Even greener (in both senses!) would be to use a small circular object you already have laying around, or that's broken for its usual purpose.

Czjai said...

Love this! I bet my son will enjoy making this, too. :)

Scott said...

What a cute craft idea. Totally stealing this for a summer project!

Anonymous said...

That is a really cute idea. Nice and easy for the kids.

Michelle F.

CouponDiva said...

looks easy enough even for us grown-ups to do..... :D

Liz Mays said...

What a wonderful thing to be able to make a gift yourself. No wonder he's so proud!

Rebecca Swenor said...

This is a great idea for lil preschool kids even. Thanks for the info. Love it.

Unknown said...

I love this. Recycling, expressing love, and kid-made stuff are some of my favorite things. :)

Emily Reviews said...

Cute idea! My 3 year old nephew is really into crafts but I struggle to come up with projects he can handle.

Kero Pinkihan said...

what an easy lovely craft! glads your handsome young amn is very keen on art projects!

Lexie Lane said...

This exercises their hand eye coordination. What a great activity and crafty too!

Julie said...

My daughter would love to make this. I love that you used fingernail polish.