Friday, March 14, 2014

Fitness Friday: Gorilla Run

You still have time to sign up for the Gorilla Run before the price goes up. My husband and I are already signed up for this race because it is not your typical fun run. If any of readers know my husband, running is not his thing, it's mine. But this is not a "run" in the literal sense. Sure, you can run it, but you can bike it, roller blade it, skateboard it, ride a scooter, even crawl it I suppose but that would take a long time!

I am pretty sure my husband is going to bike it and I am thinking that will be my mode as well so we can be together, plus there is a strong possibility I may be running a half marathon in the morning (this is an afternoon run.)

The other part of this race is that you will be doing it in a full GORILLA COSTUME ($80 value) that you get to keep. But that's not all! You also get free food, drink and entertainment at the after party, free beer from the outdoor beer garden, a free bag of goodies and a banana (what else would you expect!) ALL OF THIS FOR $45 IF YOU REGISTER BY 3/31/14. It will go up by $10 after the first of April and will go up another $10 if you wait until Race Day.

I am not getting paid for promoting this race or even getting a free registration. I just think it's cool and want you to know about it and come race with me and my husband! Plus, be a part of a Guinness World Record for the most people dressed up in a gorilla costume in one place. Plus the money raised goes to support the North Mankato Miracle League to helps children with disabilities have the opportunity to participate in sports.

The race is on Saturday, May 3rd in North Mankato, MN.


Kathy said...

Have fun!!! This type of thing is what my family loves to do.

krystal said...

I'm seriously jealous of this event! It looks so awesome.

Leelo said...

This event looks awesome

mystylespot said...

This looks like a great time and a great way to get in some fitness!

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

ha ha ha this sound fun - like a real life temple run but wearing a banana costume will make running a bit difficult.

DeDa Studios said...

This looks like so much fun! Hope you break the record!

Unknown said...

LOL! What a great event! I'm sure it's a lot of fun.

Czjai said...

Looks like a fun event! :)