Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Disney Characters #Disneyside

We continue to show our #DISNEYSIDE with our recent trip to Walt Disney World by sharing with you all the characters we had pictures with. Be sure to also read my post from last week with other pictures of the Magic Kingdom.


Unknown said...

A picture really worth a thousand words and with this photos it worth even a thousand happiness.

Unknown said...

Awww so cute! One of these I keep saying we're going to do this with the kids. But at the same time I really just keep holding out hope that Disneyland would go back to the old ways of letting characters wonder the park randomly vs the standing in line at certain times. I'm a sucker for old times.

Unknown said...

I love looking at everyone's Disney pics! So swet

Unknown said...

Nice. I want a picture with the white rabbit! Good looking family, by the way.

renblogger said...

We went when my oldest was 17 months old- the big characters FREAKED her out! It wasn't until a character lunch with a persistent Chip and Dale that she got over the fear of the big Disney characters! Great Pics!

LaVonne said...

So fun! We went last summer to DisneyLand and loved it. Can't wait to go back!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I can't wait to take my daughter to Disney.

Michelle F.

Lisa said...

AWESOME Pictures The Kids Look Like They Had A Fun Time!

Bibiana Bailey said...

So adorable! My favorite were Mickey & Minnie :)